Auberge Québec
JARO's budget hotel

When you stay at Auberge Québec, tranquility and value for money are key. With its intimate environment, it welcomes you in an escapist atmosphere. Thanks to its rooms with kitchenettes or two floors with mezzanines along with its family suite that can accommodate up to 8 people, Auberge Québec appeals to both the business travellers in search of services and functionalities as well as tourists seeking calm and comfort. The outdoor pool is a great place to relax and enjoy the beautiful summer days. Easy to find: Auberge Québec is located on Boulevard Laurier, at the entrance of the city by the Quebec and Pierre-Laporte bridges, and near the main roads.
Auberge Québec
AQ-CITQ : 062473
3055, boulevard Laurier
Quebec QC G1V 4X2This link will open in a new window
Call Us
Main Line: 418 651-2440
Toll-Free line: 1 800 567 5276 (JARO)